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Anti-Counterfeiting Exchange

The Anti-Counterfeiting Exchange eliminates counterfeits across the retail industry. It is a collective effort to make it safer to shop online and more difficult for bad actors to move among different stores to attempt to sell their counterfeit goods.

Group of people looking at computer screen
Protect consumers, brands, and rights owners from counterfeiters
The Anti-Counterfeiting Exchange enables participating stores to regularly share information about confirmed counterfeiters so participants can more quickly detect and address counterfeiting, improve their individual risk evaluation systems, and hold more counterfeiters and criminal organizations accountable with law enforcement.

Identify and stop bad actors more quickly

Act fast to stop bad actors by accessing information about known counterfeiters and sharing information as soon as counterfeiters are detected.

Contribute to the industry’s ability to fight counterfeit

Provide consumers, brands and selling partners greater peace of mind by regularly sharing information on confirmed counterfeiters.

Make more robust referrals to law enforcement

Hold bad actors accountable with information collected through the Anti-Counterfeiting Exchange.

Dharmesh Mehta - Vice President - Worldwide Selling Partner Services - Amazon
Dharmesh Mehta
Vice President of Worldwide Selling Partner Services, Amazon

“By leading the way in creating an industry-wide solution to share information about known counterfeiters, we are excited to have helped improve the industry’s collective ability to fight counterfeit crime, providing consumers and rights owners with greater peace of mind.”

How do I get started with the Anti-Counterfeiting Exchange?

As a retailer, you can join the exchange to collaborate with the founding members to further strengthen the industry’s collective efforts against counterfeiters and organized crime.

Membership in the ACX is currently limited to e-commerce marketplace service providers, like Amazon, that sell or facilitate the sale of third parties of consumer goods to U.S. consumers. Brands, third-party sellers and other non-marketplace service providers are not eligible for membership at this time.